You don't have to sell essential oils if you sign up for a doTERRA Wellness Advocate Account. There are no sales quotas to meet or inventory to carry. …
Do I have to meet monthly or quarterly sales quotas if I wish to build my doTERRA business and become a Wellness Advocate?
You are not required to sell oils or meet any sales quotas or have any minimum monthly or quarterly sales requirements. Please note that there is a …
Besides the Yearly Cost Of $35, Are There Other Fees Associated With Getting Your Own doTERRA account?
There are no other charges associated with getting your own doTERRA wholesale or Wellness Advocate account. The cost is $35 for the first year and $25 …
How Much Does It Cost To Become a doTERRA Wellness Advocate?
The cost to become a doTERRA wellness advocate is the same as the doTERRA wholesale account ($35 for the 1st year, $25 after that, the optional annual …
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