I wanted to share some tips on how to condition your mind for success whether success to you means success in your career, your relationships, your money matters, your family, your children etc.
You get to define what success means to you. Once you know what you are reaching for, you can learn to utilize your mind to aid you in the process of living the kind of life that you want. Your mind is like any other tool, it only gets better the more you use it and train it. I’m a huge fan of Jennifer Donnovan and her work with healing and releasing limiting beliefs as wells as Leonie Dawson.
The number one thing that holds people back from reaching their goals is the lack of belief in themselves. The beliefs stuck in lack are many times due to childhood and social conditioning. We are taught to consider everyone else and what they want instead of tuning in and finding out your purpose and what is it that you want. As children we listen to teachers and parents who tells us what type of career or job we should strive for. Creativity is not encouraged as a career path, instead we are told to stick to the well known careers that succesfull people follow such as a lawyer, a doctor, CEO of a large corporation etc. The truth is that when you are aligned with yourself, you can create a career out of anything you wish to do. But it all starts with trusting yourself and knowing that you are worth of anything that you desire.
How do you go from not believing you can achieve your dream life to knowing you can absolutely create the type of lifestyle that you desire? You start to take notice on the limiting beliefs that you have and by addressing those beliefs head on and realizing that they are just thoughts you have been taught to think, you start to realize you can change those thoughts by changing how you think.
One of the best ways to start the process is getting really clear on what is it that you want and going from there pealing back the false beliefs that are keeping you from reaching your goal. As an entrepreneur I’ve done a lot of mindset work over the years and it has made the biggest difference in my life. Mindset is literally the difference between failure and success. I encourage you to really go within and start looking at the reasons why you are holding yourself back from reaching your goals and living the life you are meant to live. Are you giving your own power away by having people around you dictate how you should be living or are you stepping into your own greatness knowing that you are one of a kind? Mindset books and courses are a great way to change those limiting beliefs as well as any money blocks you might have. They can make a world of difference in your journey with discovering who you really are and what is your definition of success and how are you going to reach it. Your mind is a powerful tool, condition it for success and you will live the type of life you wish to live.