Hinoki essential oil is an amazing oil to help you find some time to be still and stay grounded. The peaceful scent is great for diffusing or using a drop or two on your hands and taking a deep inhale. Hinoki is one of my favorite oils for finding stillness. It’s also great for bedtime to help with raising thoughts or over stimulation. Use a few drops in a bath or apply during skin care.

Hinoki is also great for times of excessive cell phone and computer use as well as exposure to EMFs. Hinoki is one of my favorite oils to support the body with various things from moods to skin care as well as for times of when not feeling well. Hinoki is not available for purchase but it is available for free with any doTERRA LRP order of 125pv placed before 9/15/23. If you don’t have your own doterra wholesale or wellness advocate account to be able to take advantage of the free monthly oils, here is a link to get your doTERRA account at discount.