3 ways to use doTERRA essential oils
Due to continual research being done on essential oils, more application methods are being developed. The three methods dōTERRA recommends for using essential oils is aromatically, topically, and internally. Essential oils have a powerful effect on the limbic system when used aromatically. Topical application is commonly used on specific target areas for quick absorption. When used internally, essential oils enter the bloodstream and are distributed throughout the body.
Method 1: Topical use of essential oils
It’s always best to dilute with a carrier oil when using essential oils topically unless applied on the bottoms of the feet where the skin is less sensitive. My favorite carrier oil is fractionated coconut oil because it’s light and non-greasy. It also absorbs easily. I like to just use about a teaspoon of fractionated coconut oil on my hand and add a few drops of the essential oils. If using for children, use less drops and the younger the child, the more you should dilute. For example 1 drop of essential oil goes a long way with babies diluted with about 1 tablespoon of fractionate coconut oil. For older children you can use a little more drops of oil and less carrier oil. Teaspoon is a good amount of carrier oil for children and adults, tablespoon for babies and younger children.
If you plan on being in the sun, avoid application of any citrus essential oils within 12 hours after application on areas exposed to the sun.

Method 2: Diffusing Essential Oils
Diffusing is one of my favorite ways to use essential oils. Diffusing is an excellent alternative to using toxic candles. Find your favorite oil or oil blend to use. Some of my favorites are Citrus Bliss, lemon, lavender, lime, peppermint, and On Guard. Fill water up to the water line and add your favorite essential oils.

Method 3: Internal Use of Essential Oils
doTERRA essential oils are the only oils that you can use internally. Please do not ingest essential oils that are from a different brand because they are not intended for internal usage. Always check the bottle for supplemental facts before ingesting essential oils. If the bottle doesn’t list supplemental facts, do not take the essential oil internally. When using essential oils internally, 1 drop goes a long way. My favorite way is to add 1-2 drops in my water. I especially love lemon, lime and tangerine in my water. Slim and Sassy is great too. Another way I like to use essential oils is in a veggie capsule. I change the oils I take depending on how I feel but some of my favorites are Yarrow Pom, frankincense, tumeric, pink pepper and DDR prime. I use add 1-2 drop of the oils I want to use in a veggie capsule. It’s best to take essential oils with food. Also if you have any health concerns or are currently taking any medication, be sure to check with your doctor before taking essential oils internally.
If you would much rather not make your own veggie capsules, doTERRA offers already made soft gels which are great. My favorites are Copaiba, DDR prime, and On Guard Softgels.

Learn more about doTERRA essential oils by visiting here.