Happy New Year 2020! Now it’s the time to focus on your as the new year is starting. It’s the perfect time for finding out what’s important to you and what New YOU means to you. For me I need to slow down more and be less stressed. It’s different for everyone. What’s great though is that essential oils can help you support your body whether it’s emotional or physical changes that you are looking to make. Let’s make those together! I’m here to teach you how to do that with simple steps. It’s important to make slow changes and changes that don’t require huge steps. It has to be easy in order for you to stick to it. Here is how you can get started with making changes in 3 easy steps.
- Decide what you want
- Create a daily regimen to support your goal
- Take action and feel the changes as you go along
It’s important to know what is that you want to accomplish so that you can then create a lifestyle/daily regimen that supports that goal. Without an end goal in mind, it’s hard to create a road map to get there. With a clear goal, creating a road map is simple and easy and whenever you feel like veering off the road, you know how to get back since you know where you are going.
Game Changer
To help you get started or stick to an exercise regimen, use the doTERRA game changer kit and save 30%! Use the Deep Blue rub after exercising. Take a drop of Copaiba oil in the morning for cardiovascular support and use a drop of peppermint before exercising for energy.
Sweet Dreams
Use the doTERRA sweet dreams kit for sleep and stress support for the whole family and save 30%! Take a relaxing bath with a drop of Roman Chamomile. Diffuse Bergamot before going to sleep for calming. Take a doTERRA serenity softgel before going to bed for sleep. To help your kids wind down at night time, rub Calmer on the bottoms of their feet.
Go all In
Are you ready to go all in and get started with a healthier lifestyle in one swoop? If the answer is yes, The healthy habits kit is the answer! With this kit you will get a daily regimen that is easy to stick to as well as access to members only facebook group and an exclusive welcome package with additional goodies. Go here to get your kit! Also get 100 free points with 100PV loyalty rewards order! I’ll help you design the order depending on your health goals. You’ll save money and get 100 free points to use for free products!