Self care is important aspect of life. In order to care for those around you and for you to be a better version of yourself, you have to take care of yourself. You cannot give to others if you don’t fill your own cup first. It doesn’t mean you are to be selfish in a bad way but in a good way. You taking care of yourself is important because it allows you to be who you were intended to be and really live on purpose and with joy. It doesn’t have to be complicated, it could mean something as simple as taking 15 minutes to yourself to do something that you absolutely love. It could be reading a book, reading a magazine, sitting on the beach, going for a walk, listening to music, taking a bath, taking a moment to think and be grateful, exercise, meditate, pray, do an activity you absolutely love etc. It could be all sorts of things. Only you know what lights you up. If you have spent countless of days, months or even years ignoring your needs and what lights you up, you might need to take some time and think what is that you really love to do and what would bring you ultimate joy. This is crucial to figure out what is it that you enjoy in life. If you feel overwhelmed with the idea, then just pick something, anything and you’ll soon figure out if that is what really fills your cup. If you find yourself feeling miserable or depressed or completely depleted it could be because you have pushed yourself aside for too long. It’s time to honor yourself and give yourself love. Start today and commit to doing this everyday. Find a way to fill your spiritual side too whether it’s in a form of a prayer or mediation or just finding a moment to be still and be aware of the present moment. You can also utilize essential oils to support your daily wellness. Here is a sample routine to help you.
Use 1-2 drops of wild orange and peppermint in your hands, rub together and inhale or set these up in your diffuser the night before. Just turn on the diffuser when you are waking up.
Please 2 drops of Balance essential oil blend on your hand and rub on your feet or over your heart. Feel ready for the day!
Use a drop of frankincense on your hands, inhale and take time to pray, meditate or find a moment of stillness. You can also put a drop under your tongue.
Enjoy a drop or two of wild orange or lemon or other citrus oil of your favorite, in your water.
Use peppermint and wild orange again to beat the 2:30pm slump.
Use Balance essential oil or Peace blend and apply to the back of your neck if feeling stressed.
Use Deep Blue rub or Deep Blue Essential Oil blend on your neck, back, joins etc if you feel an occasional discomfort.
At night
Brush your teeth with non-toxic toothpaste like the On Guard toothpaste
Use some more Deep Blue Rub or Aromatouch massage blend to give yourself a nice and relaxing massage.
Diffuse Lavender or Serenity essential oils and or apply to the back of your neck and bottoms of the feet. You can also take a relaxing bath with lavender or Serenity and Epsom Salts.
DIY Bath Blend
Combine 3 cups of Epsom salt, 2 cups of sea salt and 8-10 drops of lavender or Serenity essential oils