Healthy digestion, healthy hormones, weight management, skin health, wrinkles, detox, mood support etc. The doTERRA BOGO box is here!! Starting today (6/20) you can purchase the box and get 6 products for free! The box is available until it sells out.
For the rest of the week you can purchase the individual BOGO (buy 1 get 1 free) offers when they are released that day. The offers are available only that day. The box is a great way to get them all in one swoop! You also get the doTERRA wholesale account for free!! There are no monthly ordering requirements, the account works like a Costco account. You get access to wholesale pricing and you’ll also have the option of creating your monthly wellness box and earn rewards for free products but that is totally optional. Here is a link to order!

6/21/22 BOGO offer
Today’s BOGO offer is purchase Purify and get Citronella for free!! This is an amazing combo to keep your home clean and bugs at bay. Click here to purchase and also get the doTERRA wholesale account which gives you access to wholesale pricing without any monthly order requirements! This offer is only available today 06/21/22 until sold out.

6/22/22 BOGO Offer
Today’s BOGO offer is purchase cilantro get Island Mint for free!! Island Mint is one of my favorite summer time diffuser blends. Just a few drops in the diffuser and the whole house smells amazing. Cilantro is amazing for detox and cooking.

How to Use doTERRA Cilantro and Island Mint

doTERRA Island Mint Bubble Bath Recipe

doTERRA Cilantro detox juice recipe

doTERRA Cilantro Diffuser Recipes

doTERRA Island Mint Diffuser Recipes

06/23/22 doTERRA BOGO offer (Buy 1 get 2 free!)
Today’s BOGO offer is purchase Neroli get Lime and Spearmint for free! Click here to order and you will also get the doTERRA wholesale account for 1 year! With the wholesale account you get access to wholesale pricing without purchase requirements.

06/24/22 BOGO
Today’s 06/24/22 BOGO offer is purchase Digestzen get peppermint for free! Please note this offer is only available today. This is a real powerhouse combo for digestion support. Click here to purchase! Here is also a link to the BOGO box and you can get all the week’s BOGOs and an extra free oil!! You get total of 6 free oils with the box. Available until sold out! Click here to purchase!